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Icaro Initiation & Training Course

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Learn The Healing Songs Of The Indigenous

The Icaro training course is a 3-month, one-to-one initiation to allow you to tap into the extraordinary healing power of the ancient Shamanic songs that have been used throughout various indigenous communities for centuries. These sacred songs hold great wisdom and power, and once mastered, will trigger significant shifts in your healing journey.


What Are Icaros?

Icaros are more than just songs - they are conscious spirits in their own right. They are used by indigenous tribes throughout the Amazon Jungle to bring about profound healing and transformation through the use of songs and vocal toning. They are most known for acting as the driving forces that guide sacred ceremonies as each icaro holds a unique energy that is intended for a specific purpose. Icaros can be used for any purpose but are most commonly used for healing, protection, removing dark forces, guiding people through their shadow, taking people to the heavens and for invoking metaphysical transformation. The songs are one of the most powerful ways to commune with the spirit world and create a sacred ceremonial space, whilst facilitating the awakening of psychic and channelling ability. The songs don't even have specific tones to abide by - you could hear two Shamans sing the same Icaro but it will sound like a different songs entirely because the toning and overall energy behind it will be different. The songs you will be learning are from the Shipibo tribe of the Peruvian Amazon and will be in Quechuan (Ancient Incan langauge) When you learn to work with these powerful spirits, your own unique tones and energy from your authentic self will begin to emerge.


The Importance Of Using The Voice

The voice is a sacred tool for expression on the psychic level as well as the physical level. It is the voice that is at the source of our ability to truly be in our truth and express it in a free and unhindered way. For many of us, our voices have been shamed through out-dated pieces of programming that suggest that we are inadequate in some way - through this programming, we create a psychic filter that only allows part of our authentic voice to truly come through. Even for those who are accomplished singers and vocalists, the vocal talent may come through but the psychic filter still remains in place, affecting one's ability to truly speak their truth and be in their power. Learning to work with Icaros is not about judging "how well" you can sing, it is about unleashing your authentic truth. This true tone will manifest in a way that is unique to your soul-level consciousness. As this Psychic filter is broken down, everything in your life shifts - obstacles in your life will cease to exist and you will find that it is easier to set boundaries, easier to truly communicate in way that is in your truth and not in a way that is shaped around who you feel you should be, alongside truly tasting the infinity of the spirit world and integrating it into your daily life. 

What you will be learning

The training consists of eight 2-3 Hour Zoom sessions. In each session, you will be initiated into the spirit of a new icaro - I will channel the songs towards you and weave them into your energy field so that you are energetically linked to the icaro, which will make the song easier to learn/channel. After each session, you will need to practice the songs, meditate with them and allow yourself to fall into resonance with their spirit. We will also go over chakra toning (working with the tone of each chakra), the specific shadows that have filtered your true psychic expression and tailored healing & channelling sessions to release any stagnant energies that are blocking the authentic voice from coming through. The Icaros that you will be learning come mostly from the Shipibo tradition and will be in the ancient Quechuan language whilst others will be in Spanish. We start with the shorter, simpler icaros for opening space and calling in the master plants and in the later sessions, we will be going through icaros that are longer and carry more density and trigger greater metaphysical change. Below are a few examples of the types of Icaros that you will be learning. 

00:00 / 03:33
00:00 / 01:08
00:00 / 05:24

Meet Your Mentor

My name is Luke N-Mason - I am a medicine man with many years of experience with a variety of Shamanic & Occult practices. My goal as your mentor is to hold you within a sacred and protected space to allow you to safely delve deep into your healing process. We will work together in harmony with great spirit to facilitate the transformation that you are ready to reach. 

My way of working is direct and to the point. My practice of Shamanism will not bypass anything and instead, will work to address the roots in terms of why certain events, illnesses and perceptions are prominent in one's life, in order to work with them to heal the root. My approach also acknowledges how expansive the world of Shamanism truly is and therefore, provides you with a holistic and unbiased view towards working with the spirits. 

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Structure Of The Training

The training will take you on a deep healing journey as you gradually release the programming that has blocked your full truth from coming through. We will meet for 2-3 hours every two weeks, with integration and practice required completed one-to-one or as a group:​


Lesson 1 - Opening The Door To The Spirits: 

  • Introduction to Icaros and where they come from and the spirit behind them.

  • Initiation into the first Icaro to open the space.

  • Shadow reading to identify the blocks to fully utilising the voice, where they come from and how to release them.

  • Chakra toning practice

  • Practice of the first icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

*You will be required to practice the chakra toning and the first opening ocaro


Lesson 2 - Calling In The Spirits:

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of chakra toning

  • Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Initiation into the second icaro to call in the healing spirits

  • Shamanic clearing to remove stagnant energies that are blocking the voice

  • Practice of the second icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

*You will be required to continue practicing the chakra toning and the icaro to call in the healing spirits


Lesson 3 - Summoning The Master Plants:

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of chakra toning

  • Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Initiation into the third icaro to call in the master plants

  • Practice of the third icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Initiation into the fourth icaro to commune with the master plants

  • Practice of the fourth icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

  • *You will be required to continue practicing the chakra toning and the two icaros for summoning and communing with the master plants


Lesson 4 - Blessing The Space: 

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of chakra toning

  • Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Initiation into the fifth icaro to bless the space

  • Toning to carry the energies to the upper world (higher dimensions)

  • Healing session to retrieve the power that is associated with the authentic voice

  • Practice of the fifth icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

  • *You will be required to continue practicing the toning for opening the upper world and the icaro for blessing


Lesson 5 - Healing & Diagnosis: 

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

    Practice of chakra toning

    Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of tones to release heavy energies and opening the gates to the underworld

  • Initiation into the sixth icaro to for healing and diagnosis

  • Practice of the sixth icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Initiation into the seventh icaro for healing and diagnosis

  • Practice of the seventh icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

  • *You will be required to continue practicing the toning to open the underworld and channelling the healing icaros towards clearing your blocks


Lesson 6 - Protection: 

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of chakra toning

  • Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Initiation into the eighth icaro for protection

  • Shamanic journey to acquire your luminous armour (Psychic protection)

  • Practice of the Eighth icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

  • *You will be required to continue practicing the song for protection


Lesson 7 - Aligning To Authenticity: 

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Review of Shadows from the first session

  • Initiation into the ninth icaro for aligning to the truth

  • Healing session to align to your truth

  • Practice of the 9th icaro and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Initiation into icaro for grounding (bonus)

    Practice of the icaro for grounding and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

  • *You will be required to continue practicing the song for aligning to authenticity


Lesson 8 - Channelling: 

  • Sharing of learnings from the icaro from the last session

  • Practice of the icaro from the last session

  • Initiation into icaro for grounding (bonus)

  • Tuning into the icaro library of the ancestors

  • Channelling icaros (singing in tongues)

  • Practice of the icaro for grounding and meditation connect to the spirit of the song

  • Integration

  • *You will be required to continue practicing the song for aligning to authenticity



One-To-One Training: £850 (Reduced from £1,000) until 2nd May 2024


Contact me directly to arrange the training

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